If you haven't heard of them yet, allow me to introduce you to Fyrflyz, the hottest toy of Summer 2011! Currently Fyrflyz are only being sold at select Toys R' Us stores, but they'll soon be available at Toys R' Us nationwide. Look for them online and on the shelves at Toys R' Us next month.
So...what are Fyrflyz you ask? They are an awesome spinning toy that allow you to create amazing light shows in the palm of your hand!
When our Fyrflyz arrived, I thought, "Okay, big deal, it's like a double ended yo-yo with a light in the middle."
It's actually much more than that...and much cooler. It consists of a plastic center with multi colored LED lights, with two strings on each side attached to handholds. By tightening or loosening the tension of the strings on each side, you're able to create different light designs and patterns. The toy itself might not look like much at first glace, but the effect is really, seriously cool!
Take a look at some of the tricks you can master with Fyrflyz:
Check out the Fyrflyz YouTube Channel to see them in action!
Fyrflz are available in 4 different colors and retail for less than $10 each. Here's what I absolutely LOVE about Fyrflz:
- They're fun for both boys and girls and fun for all ages, including Moms and Dads! We played with ours for an hour after we first opened it and the kids were fast asleep!
- There's no assembly required, Fyrflyz come ready to play!
- They're easy to operate. It took me about ten minutes to really get the hang of it.
- Fyrflz encourage creative play as kids try to master new tricks and create new light patterns.
- They give you an excuse to play outside in the dark!
- They encourage fine motor development and coordination.
Be sure to check out Fyrflyz on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube!